Text Ascii Art Generator

Stumble upon this Text Ascii Art Generator with over 300 different Ascii Art output. Easy to use. Write your text in the top, select the Font in the left side, if you want to see them all you can select __TEST ALL__ and click the button.

   _____                              .                  _     
  (      \,___,   ___    ___    ___  _/_     ___    ___  /     
   `--.  |    \  /   ` .'   ` .'   `  |    .'   ` .'   ` |,---.
      |  |    | |    | |      |----'  |    |----' |      |'   `
 \___.'  |`---' `.__/|  `._.' `.___,  \__/ `.___,  `._.' /    |

Go to: patorjk.com/software/taag/ and try it out.