Android ADT error, dx.jar was not loaded from the SDK folder Eclipse can be messy when working with Android. First advice is use Android Studio when doing Android development. Especially when working with Android. But back to the issue. This error is caused by either broken or incomplete upgrade of the Android SDK and the
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Eclipse How to enable Shortcut Always Launch The Previously Launched Application
The easiest way to always launch and run the previously launched application in Eclipse you say. Here’s how 1. Windows -> Open Preferences 2. Run/Debug -> Launching -> Launch Operation -> select “Always launch the previously launched application
Ubuntu javac not found
Running javac gives command not found There are multiple option. One way is installing the default-jdk Afterwards you can checkup if it has run correctly
How to create distribution build with XCode
This is how you distribution a build in XCode Open XCode and your project. Then duplicate you release configuration Now name the distribution Set your command-line build to the distribution name Now navigate to your Build Settings and select the provision Set product name Open the info.plist and change the bundle name to bundle ID
How to check total sales in iTunes Connect
You can’t get the total sales in iTunes Connect đ We do not store or regenerate the data after the periods have expired (14 rolling days and 13 rolling weeks); you will need to download and store this data on a regular basis if you intend to use it in the future. Source: