Combining two strings in Objective-C in XCode. If you’re familiar with C# the string format is the easiest way to go. In Objective-C it’s stringWithFormat. Here the %@ is the string you’ll add afterwards in the parameters. As you might have notes you can easily add text in between each variable string. Objective-C documentation for
Tag: Tips and Tricks
Docker Should I use add or copy Dockerfile?
Short answer for if you should use add or copy in your Dockerfile: Use: Copy Longer answer, go through the documentation add-or-copy and figure out if you need the functionality the ‘add’ command gives you. But the essence is that Add can do more than Copy COPY only supports the basic copying of local files into
We Need to Talk About types. A Necessary Evil
It’s not evil, but close if you don’t know which build-in primitive data type you need to use. When running around in C# it’s a fundamental good idea to have a grasp about what different data type you can use. So you need you need to hold a number of 55000? Which primitive type would
What does the =~ mean in bash
The character ~ is called tilde. And in relation to bash it’s used for regular expressions. The tilde ~ is part of the operator, so you need to use the equal and tilde like =~ If you e.g. have It will perform a regular expression match of your string, in this case txt matching you
RStudio run all
To run all the lines in your R file use the Source command or the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + S or if you want the echo feedback use Ctrl + Shift + Enter. The latter is close do the run a single line Ctrl + Enter. This will run the source command:
WordPress Jetpack statistics don’t count yourself
When you add the Jetpack plugin it should by default have you disabled on the statistics. You can check up on this by going to Make sure Administrator, Editor or Author is disabled depending on which kind of users you want to ignore stats on. You might just want all types to be disabled.
Convert nuget sources update to dotnet nuget
Converting nuget or msbuild for that matter, find the equivalent in dotnet. For converting your nuget sources update you have to change almost all words. Here an example: You add dotnet at the start. Remember to change sources to source without the s. Update and source has moved places. All argument will be changed from
Resize pictures in GitHub
As the guide suggest to add an image to a markdown file use (Source: But if you want to resize you could use the html img tag instead. Replace the syntax with this
Convert a list or array to string in C#
You need to use the string.Join to go through the list to actually get their values. Source:
Azure DevOps Pipeline Badge not showing
You’ll like to have a cool badge from Azure Pipelines like this But it doesn’t show and a no-image is displayed This could be because you have renamed you’re pipeline. Microsoft DevOps Pipeline has an error where the updated badge link doesn’t work from “Status Badge” You get the sample markdown looking similar to this: