When developing a game the sounds is important for the user experience. When you’re still developing it’s cool to have some mock up sounds when testing so you get a good feeling about the experience. There is various tools to generate these and one very cool one is the sfxr made by Tomas Pettersson. From the description:
Tag: generator
CSS3 Gradient Generator
Using gradient color can be cool and be completed with css style. Making a gradient color in css can be completed as following: [sourcecode language=”css”] <script type="text/css"> .txt { background-image: linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(132,170,193) 15%, rgb(159,204,232) 58%, rgb(191,245,255) 79%); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(132,170,193) 15%, rgb(159,204,232) 58%, rgb(191,245,255) 79%); background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(132,170,193) 15%, rgb(159,204,232) 58%, rgb(191,245,255) 79%); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom,
Text Ascii Art Generator
Stumble upon this Text Ascii Art Generator with over 300 different Ascii Art output. Easy to use. Write your text in the top, select the Font in the left side, if you want to see them all you can select __TEST ALL__ and click the button. _____ . _ ( \,___, ___ ___ ___ _/_