Reset Mac Failed

Was going to hard reset a MacBook Air from 2010, the issue could probably happen on all Mac though. This is what was done: So by holding down the alt-key (option-key) and the powerbutton while the mac is shut down you’ll get into a recovery state for both resetting and using time travel. In this

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No Sound After Sleep On Mac

This problem started occurring around 10.9.0, might have been in earlier version too, but it still exist now in 10.9.2. The sound disappear on the mac after you wake it from sleep mode, but it’s not consistent, there can go days without it happening. There doesn’t seem to be a specific time interval it needs to

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Running Windows Phone 8 emulator on MacBook Air

The setup: MacBook Air mid-2013, 4gb ram. Running Windows 8.1 in Parallels Desktop 9 and Visual Studio Premium 2013 with Windows Phone 8 plugin. Enabled the Hyper-V in Windows Features. When running the Windows Phone 8 emulator the following error message came: Windows Phone Emulator The Windows Phone Emulator wasn’t able to ensure the virtual

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Synology Not Able To Upload File

Had this problem where Synology Diskstation did not allow to upload a file from the File Station. When pressing the upload button nothing happened. Same in all major browsers. It turned out Java needed to be updated and it apparently wasn’t allowed to run the upload procedure before the update was applied. So make sure

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Xcode UITableView Cells Are Not Transparent Anymore

The UITableView has change in iOS 7, the transparent is turned off, well the cell’s background has a color (white) now. So the background is not visible anymore, resulting in an unwanted tableview look. To fix this set the cell’s background to clearColor in the cellForRowAtIndexPath – (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { cell.backgroundColor =

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iOS 7 Navigation Bar Appear Over The Views

A lot of elements has changed in iOS7, they have introduced new properties that lets you adjust the layout behavior as in previous versions of iOS. The Navigation Bar appears over the views now because a default setting has changed, to address this issue use this line in the viewDidLoad() self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone; This will

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Windows Phone Developement No Emulator

Visual Studio didn’t have the option to select the Windows Phone emulator, this happened after doing a repair of the Windows Phone SDK 8.0 – ENU. It only had the “Attach…” a process to it. The issue here was that the hyper-V wasn’t enable/installed. By right clicking your windows phone project try to deploy the

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Android Package org.junit Does Not Exist

Ran into this error when importing an Android into Android Studio. In this case ActionbarSherlock java: C:\..\Android\SherlockActionbar\test\com\actionbarsherlock\internal\ package org.junit does not exist … package org.hamcrest does not exist … static import only from classes and interfaces Turned out the “test” folder was included. Remove the “test “folder with the package “com.actionbarsherlock.internal” and file ManifestParsingTest