Azure App Service Cannot find SourceControlToken with name GitHub. Deployment to resource group failed. Additional details from the underlying API that might be helpful: At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details. Status message Deployment failed First off. Make sure that the Azure App
What is Locust 95% percentile
Locust is a open source load testing tool for Python. It is a easy and fast way to performance test a site both local and production. When running a test you get a Response Times (ms) diagram. You get a Median Reponse Time and a 95% percentile. What is this Locust 95% percentile then?
ChatGPT is at capacity right now from OpenAI
The ChatGPT get’s a lot of buzz right now. ChatGPT is one of OpenAI projects. And before we go on, yes Elon Musk together with Sam Altman and other was the founders of OpenAI. The ChatGPT is built ontop of GPT-3 which is part of the the large language models. They are using machine learning
How to convert Java class to map
To convert class to map in Java you can use the ObjectMapper by the Jackson library. First declare the class model. And then do the convertion.
How to split on newline in C#
How to split a string with newline in C#. Split is only accepting char but you can use the overload function. There are two options with string array You can also do the extended version of using the different types of line breaks.
How to fix java Unrecognized field when using objectmapper
When using the objectmapper on an object you can run into Unrecognized field “”. This is due to the field not being found. You can use an easy annotation to ignore every property you haven’t defined in your json string. This is very useful if you are only looking for a couple of properties in
How to deserialize Java mapper readValue on list
Following up on Now we want to deserialize a java object on a list with the ObjectMapper readvalue. To accomplish this you can use the TypeReference like this
How To Convert Json String To Java Model Object
If you already have your java object laid out you should use the ObjectMapper. You could use a HashMap<> and just use readValue() on Json String directly from mapper or even put it in a JsonNode. But you can actually create the Java object conveniently by parsing it directly by using the object.class. ObjectMapper:
How to get window services on a remote computer
You can get a list of or a specific window service on a remote computer by using Powershell. Either use the Powershell or the advance Windows Powershell ISE which is more like an IDE with an editable notepad and not only an terminal. Replace {remoteComputerName} with your remote computer name Microsoft Source:
How to add seller entries to ads.txt
How to add extra seller entries to your ads.txt file. We have detected that you have an existing ads.txt file. In order for this to start improving your ad revenue, ads.txt seller entries need to be added to your ads.txt file. We recommend using Ads.txt Manager and authorizing this as a seller to manage your