How To Convert Json String To Java Model Object

If you already have your java object laid out you should use the ObjectMapper. You could use a HashMap<> and just use readValue() on Json String directly from mapper or even put it in a JsonNode. But you can actually create the Java object conveniently by parsing it directly by using the object.class. ObjectMapper:

How to get window services on a remote computer

You can get a list of or a specific window service on a remote computer by using Powershell. Either use the Powershell or the advance Windows Powershell ISE which is more like an IDE with an editable notepad and not only an terminal. Replace {remoteComputerName} with your remote computer name Microsoft Source:

How to change name server on DK-Hostmaster

To change your name server on a dk domain go to DK Hostmaster site Log in and select your domain from the list. On the right hand side you have administrator configuration. Select change name server. “Skift navneservere”. Input your new nameserver to what to move your domain to. Now write your new nameserver

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