Search Social Networks For A Brand Name

When looking for a brand name there are different tools to help. One is to search the social networks for used brand name is a way to search social networks to monitor your brand. “KnowEm was developed to assist everyone – from individuals to Fortune 500 companies – in discovering where their names, brands, or

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Keyboard shortcuts for Windows 8

Windows 8 is around the corner with release in the end of 2012. There is a lot of new features and some has disappeared. Getting around in Windows 8 can be challenging without knowing the shortcuts so Microsoft has release a great overview with all the keyboard shortcuts for Windows 8. You can also download the Keyboard shortcuts for

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How to install Notepad++ plugin

From Wikipedia: “Notepad++ is a text editor and source code editor for Windows. One advantage of Notepad++ over the built-in Windows text editor, Notepad, is tabbed editing, which allows working with multiple open files.” Download your plugin e.g. TextFX Place the dll file in the plugin subfolder of Notepad++ Load the plugin by going to Settings -> Import -> Import Plugin and select

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Launching Windows Task Manager

There are several way to open Windows Task Manager. The fastest and easiest way is Ctrl + Shift + Esc. This is possible in Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 From Run or a command line type and run “Taskmgr” Rightclick on the taskbar and select “Start Task Manager” By holding down Ctrl+Alt+Del opens the Windows

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