iOS Development Error: No identities are available for signing

When trying to publish an iOS app to app store the following error came when running the validate.

“Choose an application record and an identity to sign with: No identities are available for signing”

iOS Development Error: No identities are available for signing

Now by searching the iOS Developer Library, guides and stackoverflow the problem could be several different things. However in this case it was missing a private key in Keychain Access when imported the Distribution Certificate. The reason it was original created on another machine.

How to get it to work: Revoke your Current Distribution Certificate and create a new one. Download and run the new mobileprovision file.

iOS Development Error: No identities are available for signing

If this does not fix the issue have a look at stackoverflow a valid signing identity matching this profile could not be found or Stackoverflow Error: “No identities are available for signing” or even the iOS Developer Library Technical Note TN2250.