HTML editor for Eclipse

Eclipse Classic (current version 3.7.2) does not come with HTML editor by default. If you installed Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers it comes with the Web Tools Platform preinstalled. The HTML editor is called Web Page Editor and it can easily be installed if you got Eclipse Classic.

To install the Eclipse Web Page editor go to “Help” -> “Install New Software”

HTML editor for Eclipse

Choose to work with site: “Indigo –

HTML editor for Eclipse

Note: If you’re working with either Helios, Galileor or older version, it’ll be named something similar e.g. “Galileo –”.

Now use the filter and write “web” and check “Web Page Editor”. You could also expand “Web, XML and Java EE development” and check “Web Page Editor”.

HTML editor for Eclipse

Click Next to continue with the install. Restart Eclipse after the installation has finished and the plugin is ready.

HTML editor for Eclipse