You are able to redeem a Google Cloud Platform Education Grants Coupon to your personal account but you’ll need to first register your school email to get the coupon code and then afterwards you’ll be able to redeem it to your personal Google Account.
As a professor at a university or similar education school you can setup Google Cloud coupon for your students called Cloud Platform Education Grants. The student will redeem it through link. You can get them through Google Partner Advantage portal at . The student will be presented with the Cloud Platform Education Grants where they will fill out their information including their School Email. The education grants needs to match your school domain.
The coupon has an expiration date like three month and a credit limit on e.g. 50$ and can only be requested once per unique email address.
After signing up you’ll receive a confirmation email saying. “Thank you for your interest in downloading a Google Cloud coupon code. Please click on this link to verify your email address and a code will be sent to your email account.”
When the email has been confirmed you’ll receive your Google Cloud Coupon Code. Which you can then redeem to you personal account. Go to and create your project and api’s.