Audials Tunebite Driver Installation Keeps Asking For System Reboot

First if you’re running Windows 8 take a look here. Otherwise here might be a solution taken from a support page:

According to Tech.Support feedback on this problem, here are the scenarios and the solutions for fixing such problems:(NOTE: the following solutions are valid only if our FAQ with “3. I have trouble with drivers (e.g. the High-speed Dubbing devices). What to do?” doesn’t help!)

1. 80% of users receive this behavior simply because of the Windows VISTA and Windows 7 UAC (User Account Control). In other words, if you have VISTA or Windows 7, then please always use right click -> “Run as Administrator” to execute the installer and also on the created Desktop shortcut for any of the Audials products or simply disable this Windows feature UAC.
(*In some cases a re-installation of Audials is needed- if you do this , please don’t forget to use right click on the installer and then “Run as Administrator”)

2. Another reason why this can occur, is that some other old software products need to run in Windows Compatibility mode in order to run properly – this is not the case of Audials, but can cause problems for Audials. So please check the following:

– Use right click on the Audials desktop shortcut and click on ‘Open file location’ to get to the installations directory.
– There look for Audials.exe and with a right-click on that file go to “Properties” -> Compatibility -> make sure that “Run this program in compatibility mode ..” is DISABLED (unchecked).
– Repeat this for the file AudialsStarter.exe which can be found in the same directory as Audials.exe

Audials Tunebite Driver Installation Keeps Asking For System Reboot

Source from