Android Developer Respond To User Reviews

You can now if you’re a Top Developer respond to your users reviews. Android Developers blog. Here’s a quick way how to respond to your users reviews. As for now it’s only Top Developer badge (Android Developer Respond To User Reviews) which can do this, the user will get a mail when the developer has responded to his or hers review. Google has not confirm when the rest of the developer will be able to respond to it’s users. Google are waiting for feedback before rolling it out to every developer.

Quote:  “User reviews on Google Play are great for helping people discover quality apps and give feedback to developers and other potential app users. But what about when developers want to give feedback to their users? Sometimes a user just needs a helping hand, or perhaps a new feature has been added and the developer wants to share the good news.

That’s why we’re adding the ability for Google Play developers to respond to reviews from the Google Play Android Developer Console. Developers can gather additional information, provide guidance, and — perhaps most importantly — let users know when their feature requests have been implemented.”

Log into your developer console at locate the app you have a review you want to respond to press comments.

Android Developer Respond To User Reviews

Now find the review and make your respond and press “update reply”

Android Developer Respond To User Reviews

The user will receive an email of your respond. This will be a great way to set the record straight and make the developer look more thoughtful. Where before there was no easy way responding to the community, besides mailing aside with the reviewers. Now it can appear on Google Play. So a low rating review can now be responded like “problem has been solved in version 1.1” or “That feature is already in the app just do this and that” or even take a dialog with the users solving the problem.